There’s just something about a too-early Halloween that bugs me. Normally, I’m a happenin’ holiday kind of
girl, but lately it seems as though we’re rushing from one to the next, which
leaves little time for enjoyment.
I get that you need
to be ahead of the curve when it comes to seasonal shifts in merchandise. But,
can I please finish my poolside lounging and adjust to the back-to-school
routine before you drag out ghosts and goblins?
It’s no wonder I’m hesitant to take my kid
to Target. They’ve already got aisles of spooky decorations and Halloween
candy. Someone in a high place maybe forgot how hard it is for parents to
handle eager children begging for sweet treats and costumes — hey, it’s hard
for parents too. Some of those lit-up pumpkins are adorable. But, I cringed before
school even started when I saw BTS on its way out and Spook-fest on its way in.
As a way of protesting, sort of, I’m
recommending we hold off on buying candy and costumes for at least one more
week. I’d say until the end of the month, but I’m not crazy. I know the
selection for costumes will probably be so poor, you’ll be digging through your
basement for leftover boxes to make a robot outfit, which is not an entirely
bad idea. Last year we saw a kid dressed in cardboard, he was a cereal box, and
a darn cute one at that. They used a lot of paint, but he really looked like a
box of Fruity-O Flakes or something. (I have to be careful what cereal I reference because my sis in law is now a big exec for the Kellogg Co. I'm not a paid endorser, just a fan :)
With all my soap-box protestation, I
admittedly will bring out the end of year holiday decorations as soon as
possible after Thanksgiving. You can read about it here, but I think it’s
perfectly allowable since it can take weeks of work to get family heirlooms in
place when you have kids running around the same indoor space you’re trying to
decorate. That being said, I’m saying let six weeks or so be the guide. If you
can wait to sell me spookiness until a month and a half out, I’ll buy. Heck,
I’ll probably buy sooner, but I’ll be less irritated by it around then.
So, here’s to squeezing out the last drops
of summer as it transitions to a bountiful fall. Go outside. Take a
walk, bike, hike or drive. Get thee to a festival and enjoy doing something
together. Just don’t scare me with your ghoulish garb before next week or I
just might bring out the lit-up deer and snowman early and see how you like it,
Make plans to hit a festival or family
event in your area. Check out
these sites and find out more of what’s happening in your area.
Remember, every day is special - enjoy it!
SYOAS - See you online again soon!
Aww, not yet. |