
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Autumn’s first blush

A couple of weeks ago there was a shift in the weather—it felt like fall. This past weekend was similar with damp, cool mornings and clear, warm afternoons. The season is changing and there are signs everywhere.

I overheard a conversation between parents and teachers who were excited about the season change, but lamenting the fact dressing kids during these transitional days is a chore. I sent my kid to school in a dress with leggings and a light jacket. By lunch she’ll probably need shorts and a t-shirt. The beauty of where we are is we get to experience a real weather transition. While we may have to pack clothes for three seasons, I think it’s worth it.

I observed and photographed more signs of autumn’s approach and thought I’d share.

On the way to class the other day I noticed numbers of birds perched atop wires as if evaluating their next flight path—contemplating a warm trip South no doubt as it was cold. The sun fought to shine through layers of high, stationary clouds and low, fast-moving clouds. It was quite a scene. Should’ve taken video.

Then after watching the Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix Sunday we hopped in a prototype Fiat and took a drive. I can’t say anything about the car other than, wow! I can, however, tell you about other things. Feathery grasses bending and twisting under the weight of autumn’s heavy breath. Cerulean skies, white clouds and pine landscapes dotted with yellow and orange bits as the trees start their transition.

Just take a moment or two to observe the changes going on and you might find a few things to appreciate about this amazing time. Enjoy!

First blush

Birds on a wire and autumn sky

Sunday drive

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