
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Estimating E-Book Sales-Info and link

Work, work, work…these days writers who want to get published have to take on the work of more than just writing. There's idea creation, organizing, editing, marketing and promotion, programming, sales tracking, and more. 

I'm neck deep in all this as the push to publish continues. One of the habits I picked up along the way helps me through periods of writer's block. I read about all the other stuff I should be doing. Doing so makes me feel productive, instead of staring at a screen worrying about the next sentence. Plus, reading industry news usually gives me ideas for my approach to the business of being a writer, which can be profitable, I think. 

Here's an industry nugget. It's a Forbes article about Estimating Kindle E-Book Sales for writers, and other curious folks out there. 

What do you do when you get writer's block, or when your day job gets tough? Feel free to share. 

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