
Friday, May 20, 2011

Judgement Day: Last Meal Cravings (Babble) has me thinking

Let me first say that you can check out the inspiration for this post over here at Babble.  

I like where she starts. The author's not sure if Judgment Day is tomorrow, probably not, but why eat salad for your last meal when dessert is so much better? 

Okay, I’m listening. And drooling.  

As for due diligence let me say that every once in a while a day spent indulging in desserts sounds pretty good - please exercise moderation though and not make a habit out of it. (Note: this is a case of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do, and I'll explain why next.)

I recently noticed my intake of cake and ice cream increased. This came closely on the heels of our second child's birth. Now I try not to go overboard, but every once in a while a girl's gotta go crazy. In any case, I went to out for a milkshake run last week - we ate all the cookies - and I noticed that my sweet tooth seemed insatiable. In an effort to pull myself out of feeling bad about how I was Jonesing for shakes despite the number of ice cream trips we’d taken that week, I parked three blocks away. Yes, a whole three blocks. My spirits buoyed, I ordered the Choco Fudge bevies and headed home. So, I say try hard to moderate, but if you have extenuating circumstances like job stress or kids at home, feel free to disregard this advice. Now you know why this blog post caught my attention. 

Take a look and see what you think. Although, there’s some babble about a veggie breakfast plate or something, but you can skip past that. I recommend the Chocolate Dipped Pecan Cake, Smores Ice Cream Sandwiches and Apple Dumpling Cinnamon Rolls. Yum!

That’s a great place to start. I’d add my Grandma’s Georgie Porgie, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Cheesecake, Tiramisu and a dozen other desserts. What would you eat?

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