
Monday, October 4, 2010

Let’s Tear Down! The saga continues…

Day three lasted so long that we landed right smack in the middle of day four. A few nails refused movement. Turbulent fans and splitting wood echoed through the house, but we’re a day closer to the finish line – and I only lost it once. That I can recall. We’ll make it as long as we hang in there together. 


  1. Crap, I'm gone a couple of weeks and the place is in a shambles. Just what are you doing to the house? The soup sounds wonderful, by the way. Just wanted to let you know I'm back, the cruise was great and Wicked Appetite was wickedly delightful. I'm in LOVE with Janet's new series. I can't wait for the next one, although I understand it won't be out until next October. It certainly gives me something to look forward to. Good luck with renovations. Can't wait to hear when it's all finished.

  2. I know! You just can't go anywhere anymore! :) Long story, we'll have to catch up soon - plus, I want all the details about the trip and the book.
    So glad you're back! :)


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